Nathaniel Klemp

Audrey has a remarkable gift for creating and holding the space for transformation to
 occur. I have witnessed many healers and teachers. In her coaching, Body-wise, and 
Radiance healing, she lovingly guides you toward new ways of seeing the world and 

Cliff Haggerty

Audrey is a natural born coach and a member of my personal ‘Board of Directors’. She gets to the heart of the matter and stating what seems to be ‘the obvious’ (at least that is how it sounds when Audrey says it) in a just a few
 minutes, with just the right words. I experience […]

Bernadette Borealis

Whenever I hear magnificent music, I am reminded of Audrey.  Her hands have a connection that is pure, conscious, and true.  She connects with my body as an instrument to create music in my life.  She wipes off the dust, tightens the strings, and creates an alignment allowing my physical self to SING!  She is […]

Diana Chapman

Audrey is a consciousness athlete. Her commitment to every level of integrity and
 balance (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) is one of the highest of anyone I 
know. She stands for possibility, and the powerful engagement of integrity, AND…she
 makes it look fun!

Elizabeth Hunter

Audrey inspires and invites her clients to live into their own wholeness by seeing, speaking and energetically guiding truth and possibility with her powerfully loving presence.

Jane Warren

Audrey has a delight-filled way of inviting experience and insight through her presence, her curiosity and her acceptance of what is for each person.  I have grown and deepened in my own sense of myself, the world around me and the joyful experience of life, through opening myself to her wonderings and her loving attention.

Abby Ivins

Audrey masterfully uses her ability to go with what wants to happen in the moment and supports my expansion into maximum learning and discovery for wholeness.

Lynn Cornelius

Audrey is a catalyst and collaborator for easy, loving, quantum transformation. She weaves healing magic while supporting all aspects of my being as I evolve into the woman I am becoming…I highly recommend time spent in her presence if you are interested in awesome positive shifts in your life.

C. Sherman

Audrey provides an environment that is safe for me to wake up to myself. She is a wise guide leading me to find and discover things about myself I did not know were there.  She is a giant highlighter to the sentence of my life.

Kim Exon

With Audrey’s guidance, loving bravery, brilliance, and full body presence and engagement, I easefully gained clarity and freedom of who I am and what I want, and landed powerfully in a grounded, fluid self with not a trace of left overs from what a shrink might call PTSD. You are a master GAME CHANGER!!! I […]