Jody Kaylor

Audrey brings ease, joy and strong focus to all of our interactions and her mastery is in
 combining that with deep intuition and vast knowledge.

Jeff Brainard

Audrey is an extraordinary coach and really good at quickly and effectively getting to the
 heart of an issue, and helping give direction on the next step.

Anna Downing

The changes are dramatic and 
subtle, like building blocks that lead to greater changes over time. I come away feeling connected, resourceful, whole and ready. When I think of all humans 
can be, that full potential way of walking in the world and being with each other, I think of

Bob Tomes

Audrey has amazing energy and clarity and her gifts far exceed what I’m capable of
 expressing! She is the manifest form of loving kindness!

Susannah Kirksey

Audrey demonstrates a level of integrity and mastery that is hard to find. She knows 
how to go straight to the matter through her keen intuitive sense, compassionate
 intelligence and incredible body-centered awareness. Her accepting, playful approach 
makes transformational growth rapid, easy, fun and most importantly, sustainable. What
 attracted me to Audrey is that she […]

Kira J. Gold

The most brilliant big transition midwife I know. Audrey’s
 genius is knowing how to assist someone who is committed on their journey to “make
 where you are holy/wholly” and to walk that path with deeper grace, beautiful posture, 
and greater ease.

Cheri Scripter

Audrey gets the connection between strength and letting go and uses decades of 
experience to create fundamental changes and meaningful moments of expansion. Her 
work opens me up and lines me up!

Skip Swanson

Audrey lights the way to live in joyful expansion. Working with Audrey has opened me
 to stop pushing myself from behind and start following my impulses from within.

Julia Munson

When I work with Audrey, I feel met in a way that is deeply satisfying. She has an
 extraordinary capacity for tuning into where I am and then providing the right “touch” -
verbal or hands on – which guides me to discovery.