Audrey’s work is amazing. I am so grateful for Audrey’s present, intuitive touch, her compassionate laughter, and her wisdom and brilliance. I hope many many people have the opportunity to receive a Body-Wise session.
Kaley Warner Klemp
Audrey Hazekamp helped my daughter be born. She did hands-on work for me while I was pregnant and also while I was in labor. I cannot speak highly enough of Audrey’s gift in this space.
Sarah Uma Kane
Body Wise is what Audrey is, my experience with her gift of body work is one of feeling totally touched by pure Presence , pure Wisdom. Ahhhhh is the sound of Audrey!
Kalia LaRose
Audrey Ann Hazekamp speaks all levels of body wisdom language! She holds a space that supports me to instantaneously face, love, and release emotional, energetic and physical constraints deeply. She assists me in aligning my body to support and emanate the experience I want to create. When I walk out, I feel present and […]
Amanda Stason
Audrey is a total genius at what she does! Her precise touch, deep presence and total commitment to transformation makes every session a magical experience that takes me to places I didn’t know existed. Her sensitivity and total presence create an atmosphere of total safety, love and acceptance, and I always feel a deep shift […]
Marilou Butcher-Ross
I find Audrey’s body work to be finely tuned to my body and my needs! After our session I experienced increased ease in my body and yet I felt my body as aligned and strong. A week later when I went for my regular massage, my massage therapist noticed my body was different. She said […]
T. Grace
I feel fantastic. My spring is back into my step. I say Mahalo for a wonderful session. The time together allowed my body to relax into a deep rest and all the tension simply MELTED away … I look forward to more healing time together … your presence is a lovely reflection.
Safia Ohlson
Audrey is a body whisperer, taming our wild and misunderstood aspects in the most loving and powerful ways. Through subtle touch and a very visceral magical communication with my body, she guided my body into its deepest relaxation and to heal itself!
Brendan Murphy
Working with Audrey is one of the things I most look forward to each month. I mostly operate with a high buzzing energy, and during my sessions with Audrey, my body settles into a deep relaxation and my soul is nourished. I love Audrey and find her to be a master body worker.
Elizabeth Hunter
I don’t know how to put into words to do Audrey’s magic justice. I feel loved and loving, energized and energizing, peaceful and expanding. With Audrey, I’ve experienced deep integration of physical and emotional for a felt sense of wholeness and vitality