I’m Audrey Hazekamp.
I am a genuine powerhouse, complete with fierce presence, curiosity, kindness and integrity.
I disrupt limiting patterns and facilitate impactful action.
I ask big questions and will stay up ‘till the wee hours of the morning for an amazing conversation.
I’m more interested in big questions than logical answers. I sense straight through to the heart of things.
I gravitate towards people who are ready to take their lives from “pretty darn good” to holy cow, how fulfilled and ‘on purpose’ can I be?”
Audrey is a generating, enlivening, clarifying, and aligning force that again and again has helped me navigate out of the box creative solutions. She operates at the highest level of integrity, and is one of the most consistent and joyful transformational coaches I have ever worked with. With Audrey it IS possible to release limiting lifelong patterns, and joyfully embrace what you really want.”
~R. Folsom, Singer/Songwriter/Evolutionary Vocal Coach
I can be a fierce mama lion — and a gentle nurturer. I’m no stranger to tears, trauma, and angst — and add a dash of ‘light’ to your darkest doubts. I’ll hold firm to the picture of your radiant, limitless wholeness. I see beauty, not brokenness; possibility, not predictability.
I stand for a revolution of magnificent thriving.
I stand for full-out integrity. For catalyzing a tipping point to living in, through, and as wholeness-in-action — personally, locally, globally, and galactically.
There are a few things I know for sure:
Suffering is totally optional. Unfortunately, we seem to have an unconscious commitment to suffering built through the generations. Fortunately, we can choose to liberate ourselves from it.
Wholeness is a verb, not a noun. Change is the only constant. The experience of wholeness has a rhythm, a pulse, an evolution to it. It’s a dynamic, growing, breathing practice. It’s not a destination: it’s a way of being in the world.
Our bodies hold vast wisdom. Awakenings include embodied, feet-on-the-ground, living, breathing shifts. Our bodies WANT to experience wholeness, and are ready allies on the journey for that fulfillment.
I commit to befriending the power of the unknown. That space of not-knowing, rich with possibilities, just beyond our comfort zone, the NEW creative playground of possibility. I’ll meet you there.
Service demands integrity. I walk my talk. Any question I ask of my clients, I ask of myself, as well. I’m an athlete and adventurer of consciousness: I dedicate myself to embodying expanding consciousness and this practice has become my very self.
My experiences, story, and genius have all led me here.
- I have survived and learned to thrive through some stormy times– and chose to be here, committed to full, passionate aliveness.
- I’m certified as a Senior Trainer and Master coach through the Hendricks Institute, and have studied, taught, and played with Gay and Katie Hendricks for over 14 years.
- I’m innately intuitive, on the physical, energetic, and emotional levels. (But don’t worry: I only use my powers for good.)
- I danced with anorexia and bulimia for years, and now celebrate a life beyond recovery.
- I left behind my awesome traditional job, with all its security and benefits, to explore and collaborate in realizing whole-systems aliveness, and thriving, full-time.
- I commit and recommit to untethering from drama – pledging my loyalty to integrity, evolutionary wealth-of-being and purposeful service as my first priorities.
- I’ve navigated myriad wild adventures of consciousness — and lived to tell the tale.
- I’ve created countless awakenings — accidental and intentional — and am masterful at holding space for yours.
I lead an amazing life, surrounded by great friends. Someday soon, I’ll go globetrotting, publish a bestseller, and be a philanthropist for vast fortunes of love, money, and wisdom.
Want to Play with Me?
I work one-on-one with courageous individuals ready to take that seemingly risky leap from comfortable excellence to boundless, bold, brilliant genius.
I offer transformation with minimal talk in nurturing bodywork sessions.
I teach the superpower of Wonder in my virtual 6-Week WonderCraft Course.
Intrigued? Contact me to schedule your free, 20-minute Resonance Interview!